Eating in the restaurant can be an expensive addiction for anyone. This is the reason, why everyone wants to make sure that good experience is guaranteed. As a foodie who give critics and assessment in every food and dine in experience, here are some characteristics that I would say the restaurant is good.The SettingFor a foodie like me, eating is not just for the sake of eating and making my tummy full. Eating for me, should be full of fun experience. For this to happen, while eating it needs not to be done in a hurry. The experience should be free flowing, where I could be able to have an interaction with the people on the table. Possibly, a worthwhile conversation with someone I am dining with. I don't want a too noisy restaurant likewise, I don't want a too quiet restaurant, that even a slightest move I make could possibly sound like thunder.The ServiceFor me service is a key issue. Good service is unselfconscious, and the restaurant crew or waiters or waitresses should equally be attentive and unfussy. I don't want to see waitress and waiters looking at me anxiously while I am eating, where a simple look in the eye they could almost jump into my side to serve me. On the other hand, I don't want also to spend several minutes annoyed, finding someone whom I can request for more orders or even to ask assistance for or asking the bill. I believe, as in so many walks of life, timing is everything!I noticed that more and more restaurants are no longer serving “service water” or tap water once customers are properly seated after arriving. I would like to drink some water while browsing on the menu, before I could decide of what food I should eat---that is if I am new at the restaurant. Otherwise, if I am a second timer on the said restaurant I would have known already what to have. The FoodI believe that the most important aspect in dine in experience is the FOOD. Of course, that’s the reason, why I am visiting the restaurant. Regardless of style, for me the taste is what matters the most. As a Filipino, I tend to value simple cooking with good quality ingredients. I am not a chef, but I know what went wrong in a food and what went good. I don't want an expensive food with a disgusting taste. Honestly, I mostly prefer Filipino Style cooked food. CleanlinessI don't like flies roaming around and landing just everywhere, sometimes at the edge of my drinking glass of water. I don't like crews who look very groggy, as if, he had worked all night long and are not properly dressed-up. It's because I value cleanliness so much. I don’t want a smelly table as if millions of germs are just waiting for me.Finally, I will really appreciate it, if I can feel that the owner of the restaurant is not so obvious that he is passionate to earn a profit. That is by making me feel that his or her primary goal is excellence in terms of the quality of the food. I cherished a decent restaurant with quality food and I shall reward them with a good review.Watch out! I will be in your dining table one of these days! As usual, the above list of criteria are always the basis of my reviews.Do you want to share your thoughts about this article? I would love to hear you out!