Senior Resident/Tutor (M.Sc) In Indira Gandhi Institute Of Medical Sciences – IGIMS Recruitment
Post NameSenior Resident/Tutor (M.Sc)
No Of Vacancies60
Minimum SalaryPlease check with the concern authority or website
Last Date01/10/2020
AddressIndira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences , Patna, Bihar 800014
QualificationA Medical qualification as included in schedule I & II of MCI Act. M.C.WDCl-(For Dentistry) recognized P.G. qualification of MD/MS/MDS-(For Dentistry) in specialization concerned or allied Surgical/ Medical specialty. A postgraduate Medical Degree viz. MD in Emergency Medicine. from a recognized University/lnstitute. For the Of Medical Emergency in case of non-availability of candidate with Emergency Medicine qualification, candidates with M.D. Medicine will be considered for theses posts. and interview/examination will be held separately for this post. For which separate application is required to be submitted with separate fee. Medical Council.
Pay ScaleRs.67700/- during Ist year, Rs.69,700/- 2 year and R’. 71800/- 3 year + NPA + usual allowances as admissible for Senior Resident in this Institute.
Age LimitUpper Age Limit: 45 (Forty Five) years as on 30-09-2020 (Relaxation as per State Govt. Rule, i.e., 05 years for SC/ST, 03 vears of EBC/BC and 03 years for all categories of Female Candidate).
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How To Apply For IGIMS Recruitment
Interested Indian citizen, who fulfils the essential qualification etc., are invited to participate in this Walk-in-Interview as mentioned above, along with their application form in the prescribed proforma with requisite fee and copies of all supportive certificates/documents and also bring all original certificates/documents. in proof of Age Qualification/s, Registration, Caste, domicile, Non-creamy layer, etc (Please present original certificate’s, one day before the Interview to the verification committee).
Details of posts, requisite qualification, experiences, upper age limit, pay-scale, reservation rule (Physically-Handicapped candidate will be given the benefit of reservation and relaxation as per rule of Govt. of Bihar.
Reservation benefit shall be applicable to Bihar State Domicile candidate only) etc., can be seen and proforma of application can be downloaded from Institute’s website TE: In-case of unavailability of the eligible FEMALE candidate (Where applicable) MALE applicant of the same category for the respective Department, can be considered.
In case of unavailability of eligible reserved category candidate, a suitable applicant from another category as provided in the rule can be appointed on Adhoc basis for a period of one year or till suitable candidate of that reserved category is available through open advertisement is made (whichever is earlier)