Current Magazine

If You Want To Destroy Your Sweater, Why Didn’t You Just Ask Weezer For Help?

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Yesterday, we wrote about how a Tweet by famous-for-being-famous model Kendall Jenner reportedly upset famous-for-being-famous rock offspring Frances Bean Cobain.

Cobain was upset that Kendall was Tweeting that life can be hard and Tweeting that was self-absorbed. Around the time of the exchange, Kendall took the high road, telling Cobain she doesn’t know her or what Jenner was even talking about, and Cobain tweeted this:

“I’d like to thank my parents for providing me with a high IQ & I’d like to thank my grams for encouraging me not to be a self absorbed idiot”

As anyone with a high IQ knows, IQ, comes entirely from your parents! Just like Olympic Gold Medals come from your parents, so go to Montreal to get yours, Kendall Jenner! (Careful, the stadium may be falling apart there.)

Speaking of not being self-absorbed, before all this happened, Cobain Tweeted this:

“I have such a bad f—ing migraine. So bummed I’m gonna miss my favorite ppl. break faces”

See the difference, everyone. If you tell the world about your headache, but also mention others, that’s not self-absorbed. Even if you could have directly messaged the people you were going to miss and not advise the world of your problems.

3 Things We Wonder Whether They Would Give Frances Bean Cobain A Headache

1. Having a high I.Q. Extra brain activity may strain your brain. Perhaps that’s why Courtney Love got Billy Corgan to help work on the album Celebrity Skin. Because if we may quote Wikipedia: “Love compared Corgan’s presence in the studio to ‘a math teacher who wouldn’t give you the answers but was making you solve the problems yourself…” Oops! If getting Corgan involved was an attempt to make things require less brain activity, looks like it backfired!*

2. Cute but uncomfortable sweaters. As we wrote yesterday, those things can be a nuisance at the 9 hour mark!

3. Kendall Jenner has 5.45 million Twitter followers vs. Cobain’s 83,541. Hey, Kendall Jenner even has 1.6 million Keek followers, and Keek isn’t even a thing we hear parents talking about at the mall! But we feel your pain, Frances Bean, as we also do not have 1.6 million Keekers, or Twitter followers, so follow us on Twitter, kind readers!

*Still, we do love the album.

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