The answer to Wednesday's Trivia Question: Hannah and Marnie star in the show I hate and have to watch, Girls
FIRST FIVES: Mike O'Dea, John Romeo, Neil Moffatt, Andrea Walters Priscilla Paez. Honorable Mention: Christine ClarkeTuesdays Broadcast Top 5
The Voice-NBC 3.9/13.8NCIS-CBS 2.8/19.4
NCIS LA-CBS 2.4/15.2
The Biggest Loser-NBC 2.0/6.9
Person of Interest-CBS 1.9/12.1 Tuesday's Broadcast Trendrr Top 5
The Voice-NBC 423,497
NCIS-CBS 10,535
Supernatural-CW 7,372
The Originals-CW 6,661
The Biggest Loser-NBC 5,986
Tuesday's Cable Top 5
The Big Bang Theory-TBS 1.0/2.6
Big Screen Movie-ABC Family .9/2.2
Law & Order SVU=USA .7/2.1
Real Husbands of Hollywood-BET .7/1.4
Tuesday's Cable Trendrr Top 5
The Bad Girls Club-Oxygen 94,032
Awkward-MTV 68,925
Real Husbands of Hollywood-BET 9,338
Piers Morgan-CNN 8,923
The Kelly File-Fox News 8,621
Tuesday's Top 5 Nielsen Twitter Ratings
The Voice-NBC 453,600 TweetsAwkward-MTV 150,000 Tweets
Bad Girls Club: Miami 80,500 Tweets
Real Husbands of Hollywood 19,300 Tweets
Snooki & JWOWW 7,200 Tweets
The Returned
I've been reading a lot about a show from France called The Returned. It's currently airing on The Sundance Channel. There are only 8 episodes and I watched 2 last night. It's a crazy show. The premise is that in a small town in France somewhere, these people who were dead just reappear...alive. The thing is that regardless of how long they were dead, life went on. So Camille a 12 or 13 year old school girl who died in a school bus accident just waltzes in to her house and it's 4 years later. She had no idea she had died and that 4 years has passed. In addition to Camille, there's a little boy who doesn't speak, a serial killer and a bridegroom named Simon. I have no idea why this is happening, but it's a pretty cool show. I'm only 2 eps in so I have a ton of questions and nobody to discuss it with yet, but if any of you are looking for something to watch and you're all caught up on my Binge list...join me and watch this one.Barbara Walters 10 Most Fascinating People of 2013
Well, the first 30 minutes of this show wasn't about the 10 most fascinating people of this year, but a look back at all the fascinating people of the past years. Most of them, I hate to say, I remember. Politicians, Olympians, Celebrities, smart people, dumb people and only one dead one...Steve Jobs. Apparently Barbara and her team broke their own rule for Steve. This year the list went something like this, not sure if I would agree or not, but it's not my list, it's Barbara's:10. Miley Cyrus-She was really pretty good with Barbara.
9. Royal Baby Prince George- Well it was a story about the story of his arrival and no real interview. Coverage of the coverage and a bit of a history lesson.
8. Edward Snowden-Just a reporter reporting, no interview of course.
7. Duck Dynasty-she actually went and interviewed the entire family. Well everyone except Phil, who wouldn't leave home because it was hunting season.
6 & 5. Kimye-more coverage of coverage and thank god no interview
4. Robin Roberts-cried all over again from seeing her go through it all.
3. Pope Francis-Of course no interview
2. Jennifer Lawrence-Barbara met with her and she was awesome as always, I love her.
1. Hilary Clinton-I never met a Clinton who wouldn't do an interview so of course Barbara got Hilary
-So many of you guys have been asking for a Holiday Binge list. So in the spirit of Santa...since you're all SO good...I have published to the right an alphabetical list of shows I think are must see along with some commentary. If you'd like me to prioritize, let me know what you've seen already and I'll guide you as best as I can. My number one must see of all time is Friday Night Lights. If you are a WWTM reader and you haven't watched this show this is your holiday homework. Also if you think there's something missing, let me know. Happy to add to the list.
-The iTunes best selling TV shows of 2013 has been released. Congrats to AMC for having 3 um. Here's the list if you're interested:
Breaking Bad, Downton Abbey Season 3, Walking Dead Season 4, Game of Thrones Season 2, Mad Men Season 6, Homeland Season 2, Big Bang Theory Season 7, Sons of Anarchy Season 6, Scandal Season 3 and Dexter Season 8.-Can't say I'm surprised that Demi Lovato's leaving X-Factor. I was actually surprised she came back this season. She has so much going on. I'm sure she wants to go focus on all that other stuff. She's a TV star, a Pop star and really no longer needs X-Factor. Plus, do we know for sure that X-Factor will be back again? X-Factor's an interesting show. Ratings continue to decrease but it's stronger socially than The Voice and even some of Idol. Case study for sure, but who knows what FOX will decide. Good move Demi.
-It's starting guys...NBC's gearing up for my FBFF, Jimmy Fallon to take over The Tonight Show in February by giving him some awesome promotion...first up...a Primetime special "Best of Kristy Carruba's Future Best Friend, Jimmy Fallon." The show will air on Sunday night 1/5/14...not bad right? I'll remind you guys again in case you forget.
-For any Iphone/IOS users out there, make sure you download the 12 Days of Gifts App. Apple will give you free songs and more starting on 12/26, but you can get a new Lorde tune right now. Thanks Apple!
-Not much I can say...just enjoy: http://mashable.com/2013/12/18/2013-mashup/ Thursday's Trivia Question: What's the name of the restaurant where Max and Caroline work on 2 Broke Girls? WWTM-Kristy Like me on Facebook at Watching Way Too Much
Follow me on Twitter at watchingwaytoomuch@tvnmehttp://watchingwaytoomuch.com [email protected]