Lifestyle Magazine

I Wish We Could Do It Again!

By Claire

Rebecca wrote a lovely wed­ding report as well — the title I used for the blog post is from Rebecca’s own story! Her next line made me gig­gle though… but let’s start at the begin­ning and that will come later.

wedding photography by Simon Hudspeth (32)

My wed­ding dress is Ian Stu­art — Inez — Bought from ‘I Do’ in Cock­er­mouth, Cum­bria. The dress was made with French lace in a Cham­pagne color. I would rec­om­mend this Bridal shop as they really cared about how I wanted to look and helped me achieve the ‘style’. They were brilliant.

wedding photography by Simon Hudspeth (33)

The pearl neck­lace was my Grand­moth­ers and is 60 years old. They were an anniver­sary present from my Grandad to my Grand­mother and I still have the orig­i­nal gift box they came in.

wedding photography by Simon Hudspeth (31)

My shoes were my bar­gain buy from Next at only £12!

wedding photography by Simon Hudspeth (30)

My Fas­ci­na­tor was also from ‘I Do’ in Cock­er­mouth along with my Cham­pagne coloured shrug.

wedding photography by Simon Hudspeth (29)

As most wed­dings do, my wed­ding day came and went far too quickly for my lik­ing but was by far the best day we could have imagined.

We were mar­ried in my husband’s local church in a small Cum­brian vil­lage called Dearham where 3 gen­er­a­tions of my husband’s fam­ily were mar­ried before us. The week lead­ing up to our wed­ding stayed true to Cum­brian weather and it rained and hailed and poured con­stantly right up to the night before. Der­went Water where our hotel was sit­u­ated (The Bor­row­dale Hotel) flooded the banks almost up to the road and sub­se­quently a pier we were plan­ning to have pic­tures taken on! But our day came and it was crisp, clear and beau­ti­ful — a gor­geous Novem­ber day in Cumbria.

I was fash­ion­ably late of course, 1 hour to be pre­cise but I got there and the cer­e­mony was light hearted and inti­mate with our fan­tas­ti­cally hip min­is­ter with bright pink spiky hair and match­ing fin­ger nails!

wedding photography by Simon Hudspeth (28)

A mem­o­rable wed­ding day moment?

There are so many moments that stand out when you have your wed­ding and you for­get things and remem­ber them later and there are moments you don’t even realize hap­pen until after the wed­ding but what sticks in my mind was when me and my dad arrived at the church and were wait­ing in the hall. Just before we were about to walk in I said ‘man I feel sick’ hop­ing to get some kind of calm­ing ges­ture from my dad but instead he turned to me and said ‘jeez so do I!’ I thought ‘Great!’ It was so funny and really did help me get down the aisle in the end!

But the best moment of all of course was mar­ry­ing my won­der­ful hus­band! (I promise


wedding photography by Simon Hudspeth (27)

wedding photography by Simon Hudspeth (26)

wedding photography by Simon Hudspeth (25)

wedding photography by Simon Hudspeth (24)

wedding photography by Simon Hudspeth (23)

wedding photography by Simon Hudspeth (22)

wedding photography by Simon Hudspeth (21)

wedding photography by Simon Hudspeth (20)

wedding photography by Simon Hudspeth (19)

wedding photography by Simon Hudspeth (18)

We hired my husband’s suit from a fam­ily run tai­lors in Mary­port called Tom Little’s. They were great! We went for tails in the end although we didn’t plan for it but the Mr really did look dap­per and so we went for the tails! His waist­coat and cra­vat were a very sub­tle cream color with a very fine gold pin­stripe. He had his shoes from Next also but he soon changed into his black DC’s for the recep­tion as his feet were not made for win­kle pickers!

wedding photography by Simon Hudspeth (17)

wedding photography by Simon Hudspeth (16)

wedding photography by Simon Hudspeth (15)

wedding photography by Simon Hudspeth (14)

wedding photography by Simon Hudspeth (13)

wedding photography by Simon Hudspeth (11)

My flow­ers were designed and put together along with all the pew ends, wall pieces and brides­maids hand ties by my mother in law. What a star!

wedding photography by Simon Hudspeth (10)

wedding photography by Simon Hudspeth (9)

We didn’t really have a color scheme but lots of creams, ivories, cham­pagnes and of course the colours in my flow­ers were dot­ted around to keep some sort of lin­ear theme!

wedding photography by Simon Hudspeth (8)

We tried to go for a vin­tage feel/style and had small white ceramic birds dou­bling up as place set­tings and favours and white lanterns (both from wilkos!) in the mid­dle of our tables sur­rounded by sparkly beads from a local hab­er­dash­ery and feathers.

wedding photography by Simon Hudspeth (7)

wedding photography by Simon Hudspeth (6)

I car­ried on the feather theme by hav­ing my rusty roses and peach ger­beras tied up with long cream ostrich style feathers.

wedding photography by Simon Hudspeth (5)

wedding photography by Simon Hudspeth (4)

Our evening recep­tion came and our first dance to the Stereo­phon­ics ’It means noth­ing’ was just per­fect. The night was just lovely with all our fam­ily and friends chat­ting and danc­ing and just hav­ing a good time.

We had hag­gis (as my fam­ily are mostly big, Scot­tish and hun­gry!) with crusty rolls and but­ter along with other buf­fet bits for the non hag­gis lovers!

wedding photography by Simon Hudspeth (3)

wedding photography by Simon Hudspeth (2)

Wed­ding day advice from Rebecca

Don’t wish it away! When you’re wait­ing for your day to arrive it feels like for­ever and all the plan­ning and organ­is­ing seems to just keep going and going but just slow down and enjoy every minute up until the day because it comes and goes and soon you will be look­ing at your pic­tures think­ing ‘I wish we could do it again’. Your hus­band prob­a­bly won’t though haha.

wedding photography by Simon Hudspeth (1)

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers

I Do Bridal in Cock­er­mouth, Cum­bria

Tom Lit­tle (for­mal menswear and suit hire) Mary­port, Cum­bria

Simon Hud­speth Pho­tog­ra­phy, and on face­book at

Crags Coun­try Patis­serie, Pen­rith, Cum­bria

The Bor­row­dale Hotel, Bor­row­dale Val­ley, Keswick, Cum­bria

A Touch of Class (clas­sic car hire), Work­ing­ton, Cum­bria

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