I want to write a thousand books.
Books about women in STEM, doing things my brain isn’t capable of doing. (Have you met the Scirens? They’re my new favorite.)
Books about men and women in education, changing the lives of the students around them.
Books about women in predominantly male careers, and men in predominantly female careers.
Books about people in the South, and in the Pacific Northwest. Books about millennials and what we can teach future generations. Books about college students, and why they are the way that they are. Books about academics, and how we can better understand the importance of education.
I have this constant urge to write something. To contribute something to the world around me. I don’t know how to get that energy out of my bones and on to the page. I don’t know how to start.
I want to tell your story, and my story. I want the world to know how amazing you are and how amazing what you are doing is. Maybe you’re merging your two passions to promote STEM to the world. Maybe you’re working with those recovering from eating disorders through methods people have not yet heard of. Maybe you’re a writer or an actor or an educator or a healthcare professional, but you’re also doing something else. You’re giving back to your community and helping make the world a better place.
Maybe you don’t know what you want to do. You don’t know what comes next. I want to tell your story too. To share with people what it is like to be working in a Starbucks or a diner and just trying to figure it out. I wish I could pick you up and set you down in a coffee shop near me so that we could connect – so that you could tell me your story.
I want to write a thousand books. To travel the country in an RV and meet people I never expected to meet and write a book about it. To learn languages from people whose first language is not English. To let their hearts rest in my heart. To hold their stories with me.
Someday, I’ll figure out how. I won’t have to worry about student loan payments or having a regular job. Someday I’ll know exactly how to travel from city to city collecting your stories like they’re vitamins that others need to live. I’ll pass them out to the world, showing people how amazing others can be. Someday, I’ll know exactly how to do that.
Until then, I guess I’ll try to figure out how to start.