Lucky with his big tummy
The reason is that our beloved Lucky (our Labrador) has been sick for a number of weeks now and we had been trying to get him to the veterinary hospital. As much as we had wanted to take him to the vet last Saturday, we were unable to do so and it was a very stressful weekend. This morning, we were finally able to take him to the brand new vet polyclinic in town. Lucky has been having a very unlucky couple of months. He had suffered from a skin infection and just as he was recovering from that, he got jaundice. A few days after recovering from that, his tummy started getting bigger. We had been to two different vets but his tummy never went back to normal. Last week, it was becoming bigger than ever. At the vet polyclinic, he was seen by a number of vets. The head vet told us that he had caught Bilial Fever. It's caused by ticks that pass some parasites into a canine through their bites. And it appears he has fluid in his tummy, as well. We have to take him for his treatment everyday until Friday. As much as I am wishing that he instantly get well, I guess we really need to wait a while. Anyway, I am hoping to get my rhythm back soon.