Family Magazine

I Think He Is Hiding Something – Ask A Mum

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

50070062 2dabd063991 I Think He Is Hiding Something   Ask A Mum

I have a worried lady who contacted me via email to ask for your help. Her relationship is going through a rocky patch and she is constantly worrying that her partner is hiding something.

It does not help that this guy has cheated in the past, not on her but in his last relationship. She thinks he is hiding something and asks for your help via Ask A Mum

Supermums Advice

While once a cheat always a cheat springs to mind, people do and can change. I feel for you as I know many women allow these feelings to build up inside and it is actually that which causes relationship issues.

You need to sit down with your partner and voice your concerns. Ask him out right, is he cheating? Explain that because he has a past history of cheating, this is now playing on your mind. What you have to remember is you knew he was a cheat when you got with him.

If talking is not an option then why are you in this relationship? A relationship that is built upon lies and mistrust is not healthy and will not last.

What Advice Do You Have For This Lady?

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