Food & Drink Magazine

I Pulled out My Hair and Ate Pudding

By Marensmorsels @marentweets
WP Greet Box iconHey blog friends! I am a competitor in a Dried Chili Recipe Contest held by Marx Foods. To read my recipe click here. If you haven't voted yet, please click over and vote for my Cool and Spicy Habanero Sliders! Voting is open from 9/12-9/16! Thanks so much for being such great friends and blog readers. You guys are the best!

Today was the worst day in the history of computer coding!

I was still working on our restaurant’s website and it was a pull out your hair kinda day.


Every code I wrote just didn’t work, and the ones that did didn’t end up looking that great so I had to delete them and start over. Then Max called, poor Max, and told me about how he was writing code and it was 16,000,000 miles long and he didn’t know how to do something with it and I actually laughed it hysteria because I couldn’t deal with the information on top of my own coding sorrows.

So… I did what any self-respecting runner and chocolate connoisseur does in crisis…

Exhibit A.


I made chocolate pudding and (ovbiously) didn’t observe the whole “serving” concept at all and just ate it out of the HUGE mixing bowl with a ginormous serving spoon!


Yep… proud moment!

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