Hi virtual chummies. I hope you’re all well – I’ve missed you! I felt quite guilty for not posting on Monday but I was just drawing blanks and couldn’t think of a single thing to write about, so I thought it was better to stay quiet rather than post half arsed content… so to all my recent followers: I’m usually punctual and I apologise! ;)
However, I’m pleased to announce that after my recent move and ‘bloggers block’ I finally thought of something that I wanted to share with you guys, so I jumped up off my jiggly bottom and dashed to take the photos I needed like the good blogger I am… and then realised that A) I can’t find my camera cord and B) I can’t find a decent place to take said photos. Luckily I’m actually quite an organised little spitfuck and found my cord in a small box labelled ‘chargers’… who would have thought it’d be in there?!

And what you see above are just a few of the monstrosities that were born during the experimentation process. How cute would that be if I could actually use Slender Rabbit in my product photos?! He might make an appearance every now and then but I don’t think it works, plus I’d have to zoom out even more to fit his ears in so it takes away from what I’m actually trying to talk about.
The middle bottom photo was one of the better ones but I can’t get that bit of ick off of the window behind and believe me – I scrubbed and scrubbed!
It’s going to take a fair while to get into the emperors my new groove but if you guys have any handy hints and tips please leave me a comment and let me know – this is driving me nuts!