- I can tell when wedding photos come out too dark
- I can spot heavy yellow filters and fade effects
- Sometimes it’s obvious the lens flare came from Photoshop
- If your flash goes off in the bride’s face, I can tell!
- Sometimes I spot candles / trees / lamp posts coming out of people’s heads when you don’t
- I see too many heads cut off couples for no reason
- I look at how wedding photos are cropped — if there’s a lone boob on the left of your image, it looks weird!
- If you haven’t edited your images, I won’t blog them
- I like a bride and groom to have skin-coloured skin
- I look at the people behind a bride and groom. See that guy scowling? I did.
- I want to share really good photography on my wedding blog
- I want to share real weddings to inspire couples — but also to help you promote your wedding photography business
- Please — new wedding photographers — edit your images. Check them carefully.
- I’m not a wedding photographer but I see hundreds of wedding images — and I’d rather blog good photography than bad.

Bad wedding photography — image from The Daily Mail
Blogs and wedding photography — who’s setting standards?
I think wedding bloggers are sometimes wary of offending wedding photographers. We work with some of the very best — and I’m proud to share beautiful wedding photography with my readers.
I’ve seen low quality photography on other wedding blogs — pictures I could take with my camera set to auto. I’ve seen local wedding photographers with appalling standards — truly!
While I want to help photographers with all levels of experience promote their services here, I’m more careful when it comes to skill levels.
As a photographer you have to be good to get on English Wedding Blog.
As a blogger I don’t want to be responsible for encouraging couples to book cheap, untrained, unprofessional wedding photographers. I think some wedding bloggers and some wedding magazines are guilty of this.
Is it time we became more conscious of the standards we’re setting?