Food & Drink Magazine

I’m Giving Away Soymilk!!!

By Marensmorsels @marentweets

Hey guys! The really great Sara over at 8th Continent Soymilk asked me if I wanted to write a review of their soymilk and host a giveaway here on Maren’s Morsels. Of course I definitely said “yes!” because I love me some soy.


It took me a few different grocery tries to find 8th Continent. But today, while grocery shopping for my Grandma I laid my eyes on some.


Aren’t the packages so cute?! P.S. their website is super cute too! My grocery store had the Original Vanilla, Light Vanilla, and Light Original. But the company also makes Fat Free Original and Chocolate! Nob Hill please read my blog and stock chocolate ASAP!!!

I chose to try the Light Vanilla because it’s expiration date was the farthest off and since I’m the only soymilk connoisseur at my house I definitely need all the time I can get.


I especially love that it’s made in the US and gluten free. Here’s the big moment. My first taste of 8th Continent Soymilk.


Sip. Sip.


SUCCESS! So tasty. It’s definitely my favorite soymilk to date.


After my second sip, I was in soymilk love. The vanilla flavor was so yummy. Max be scared, I can now get my cuddling fix from my soymilk carton…


The Giveaway:

to win a chance to try 8th Continent Soymilk for FREE! simply, (chose 1 or do all 3)

  1. leave me a comment telling me what the best color of glitter nail polish is (or) what your favorite college basketball team is (or) what your most recent froyo cup consisted of.
  2. tweet about this giveaway on twitter and then leave me a comment that you did.
  3. Like my facebook page (in my sidebar) and leave me a comment that you did.

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