Hair & Beauty Magazine

I’m Back!!

By Naturallychique32 @kirigoliz

Its been a while since I posted anything. I had a long,busy weekend and things are back to normal now, Yippee! I was attending a seminar about real estate, yes, a sister is seriously thinking about breaking into the home selling business! That said, I feel I have neglected my hair,so I did a deep condition today. I then followed that up with an apple cider vinegar rinse.It left my hair feeling a little dry and brittle so I don’t know if I did it wrong. I intend to saturate my hair with some olive oil and hopefully my hair will get its moisture back. I’m pretty sure I did something wrong so I need to educate myself more about how to ACV wash.
Since I have been so busy, I haven’t had time to read my new book (The Science of Black Hair), so I will get back on that asap.
Be blessed!!

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