I am always so late reciprocating these awards, so this time I'm trying to be good about it! First of all, thank you so much to Jilltastic Nail Design for this award, you're so sweet :)
I started my blog almost 1.5 years ago and it's been a crazy adventure! I'm thankful for the wonderful makeup lovers I've met along the way, it's nice to be able to chat about makeup obsessions, new products, and life with you guys!
Now, to pass this on the rules of this award are...
1. Add the logo of the award to your blog.
2. Add a link to the person that awarded it to you.
3. Nominate 7 other blogs.
4. Tell your nominees.
My 7 are (in no order):
1. Nail'd It!
2. Savvy Beauty
3. Nails by Ms. Lizard
4. Pretty In Paint
5. Mercedes Makeup Obsession
6. Pretty Making
7. A Day in the Life of Dollface
I really do love all of your blogs and regularly hop on to see what you're all up to/into ;)
Have a fabulous day, lovelies!