Business Magazine

I Love My Job...I Love My Job! Oh Yah....Oh Yah...

By Homesmsp @HomesMSP

I LOVE MY JOB....I LOVE MY JOB! Oh yah.....oh yah..... Home Staging Minneapolis MN

Isn't that the goal. Yup....quick sale. Love it! 

first staged a vacant home for this investor that sold in 3 days with multiply offers so he had me stage this one as well. This one didn't go so well. It took 5 whole days! 

Ha....okay.....I think they are happy with that. 

The investor did a fabulous job in rehabbing this home. Take a look.... 


199th LR Before


199th LR


199th Kitchen before


199th Master


Now I got to add the glitz and glamour to wow the buyer......



199th LR after


199th LR 2


199th Kitchen After


199th Master After


I love my job, I love what I do, and I love success stories! 

199th close up


Need some help with your property?


Shar Sitter, owner Rooms With Style Home Staging and Redesign Minneapolis MN.

CHSE and APSD Home Stager Pro Trainer


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