The Sun reports that a British man has been reunited with the wallet he lost 35 years ago at a squash club.
The wallet was found in a wall cavity by builders apparently doing renovation work, which means that somebody either threw the wallet in the cavity after finding the wallet and stealing the money, or the man is really bad at squash.
Fortunately, the man got the following items back with his wallet: his “driving licence, gym and union membership cards, and a payment plan for a new TV.”
3 Worse Things A British Man Could Have Found In His Wallet That Was Lost For 35 Years
1. A British Edition Of TV Guide From 1978. What’s on TV? Coronation Street, all week? “Should I really have signed-up for the 35-year payment plan for my new TV to watch 35 years of Coronation Street on a 500 kilo tele,” the man might wonder in hindsight.
2. Instructions of How To Play Squash. Step one: do not get angry and throw your wallet into crevices in the wall when you aren’t winning the bet with your opponent- you will still have to pay the bet. Step two: do not bang your head against the wall in frustration leading to amnesia as to what you did with your wallet.
3. A gym membership that says: “Valid for 35 years unless you throw it in a crevice in our magnetic walls, in which case it’s void.” Add that to “inconveniencing everyone in line at airport security” as yet another reason not to fill your wallet with three pounds of pocket change!