I was sat in the doctor’s surgery a few days ago now and a so called friend or lets say some snotty women
who I know from our kids being in the same class at school came in and took the seat next to me.
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She made small talk and I nodded and smiled in the right places, I always feel out of place with these types of people. I began to wish I had actually bothered to plaster on some make up or at least brush my hair before leaving the house now, she made me feel under-dressed and her strong perfume was making me cough.
The following conversation then took place;
Friend – God I feel sorry for her kids
Me – who?
Friend nods towards the lady sat at the back of the GP’s surgery
Me – Why?
Friend – Well so and so told me that she’s always screaming and shouting at her kids.
Me – Don’t we all
Friend – I know but she always looks so miserable and she never talks to any of the mums at school
Me – Maybe she doesn’t know anyone
Friend – She could make the bloody effort, she always looks scruffy and never smiles
Me – Maybe she’s depressed ?
Friend – Well if she’s got a mental illness surely someone should be checking she’s looking after them poor kids properly?
My name flashes on the screen and I stand to go to to visit the GP I see each month for a repeat prescription of my medication.
Friend – Hope what ever your here for gets better soon
Me – Just hear to get more happy pills love, I have Bipolar, its a mental illness.
Related articles
- Bipolar Disorder (education.com)
- Battling with my demons: Manic Depression (therealsupermumblog.com)
- Mother Writes Honestly About Her Journey through Her Daughter’s Bipolar Disorder (prweb.com)
- Loneliness – the secret hell of mental illness (stephintoronto.com)
- You: Best of Bipolar Bites and Breaking Bipolar Blogs (natashatracy.com)