Healthy Living Magazine

I Had A Great Run

By Gjosefsberg @gjosefsberg

I’ve been training for a marathon for the last few weeks and, while I was a bit intimidated at first, it’s been going much better than I expected.  I’ve been alternating long slow runs with shorter, faster ones, plus tossing in a few sprint days here and there.  My performance is way above what I expected it to be right now, especially considering the fact that I stopped running for a few months earlier this year.

To be honest, I forgot how much fun it is to run.  You get to a certain point where your body is performing like a machine and your brain is high on endorphin (runner’s high, oh yah!) and the miles just melt away.  Plus I feel incredible after the run.  I’m soaked with sweat, my body is still coming off the high and my brain is screaming “BRING IT ON!”

Anyway, just wanted to share that with you all.  I highly recommend finding a challenge of your own and training for it.  It can be a marathon, a three day hike, a mountain to climb or that backflip you’ve always wanted to do.  Whatever it is, I think we human beings thrive on challenge.  Without it, we’re just plodding along waiting for death.

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