So I've been busy lately. March in general seems to be becoming a very busy month for me.Hmm...I think I finally have a life and because of that I've hardly written what I'm going to say when I speak a week from today. Saturday next week is of course the big Grand Opening/Open House at the new WW meeting location. Still need to time the speech, rehearse it and I want to memorize it to. Good luck with that, eh? Geez. I need to figure out what to wear too!
Went over my points Friday night. I blame The Merry Monk *wink* which we tried for the first time on Friday. However, I did walk a lot and I never once thought I needed to stop. I didn't whine once either. I walked at a brisk pace and didn't get winded. Walking was very comfortable. I walked two blocks to get to The Merry Monk, and back. I walked a lot trying to buy a smart phone that same night. Had to go to two different Wal-Mart stores on two different ends of the 'burbs of Albany because the one near us was out of stock of the phone I wanted. I thought the first one had it, but I was wrong. Wish I had known that, the guy there was a total jerk. However, we were very successful at the second one, the guy was so much nicer too, and I am so happy to be the proud owner of a smart phone.
Now that I have a smart phone. I feel like I'm finally living in 2012! The WW app can can be a bit temperamental but I'm loving my new phone. I expect to manage my points much better now that I can use the app.
That's all for now. Thanks for reading.