I'm so excited to be writing this! On Saturday I found 'the one' in terms of my wedding dress! I can't believe it! It's actually typical that I woke up really bloated and nearly even cancelled the appointments as I felt I wouldn't look nice in anything. I was having a bit of a downer but then I put this dress on and bang, I knew it was the one! It changed my whole mood so I knew it was special.
It's true what they say that you need to try them on to see what they look like. My mom actually pulled it out to have a look when we got there and I didn't like it.. I nearly said no to even trying it on but it's a good job I did! I'm surprised at how much I love it.. even looking at the photos now makes me smile so much and I just LOVE it! It's nothing like what I thought I wanted but after trying on what I originally wanted.. they just didn't suit me. I'm not going to give anything away as I want it to be a surprise so you'll all have to wait too!
I was a bit hesitant to buy it this early as our wedding isn't until October 2016 but I think when you know, you just know so I had to go for it. The search is over and I'm actually so happy about it! It feels nice knowing that one of the most important things to me is done and dusted. Now I just have to wait to wear it and show it off!
I found this infographic above on Pinterest and everything is spot on! If you are looking for your wedding dress at the moment, definitely take into consideration all 10 points. My dress does need alterations which is going to add cost onto the total package but we were expecting that.. if we weren't we may have been over budget. I also really recommend taking photos/videos and looking back through them before you make your mind up.. some dresses I loved in person but in the pictures I didn't feel they looked as nice or gave me the shape I thought they did. That would have been a fail in the wedding photos!
How soon did you buy your wedding dress? + Did you end up with the style you thought you would?
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