Kaiden Loved His Dummy
I have just stumbled upon an article about dummies and as I seriously struggled to take the dummy off my two I had a read. It was advising parents how we should sterilise our baby’s dummies to get rid of all those nasty germs and yes I did for the first few weeks.
After the first month it became more of a lazy habit, if the dummy dropped onto the floor I would;
a- Dip it in my hot cup of tea (the boiling water was good to clean it right?)
b- Stick it in my mouth to suck it clean
I also had no idea that you are meant to give baby a clean dummy every few hours. This is something I never did with any of mine. They had the same one all day, then during the night, then even possibly the following day.
I was also a mum who would shove that dummy in their mouth if they were whining. Instead of trying to figure out what was wrong with them, in the dummy would go. They were a god send.