Sasha Grey Accepting the AVN Award For Best Oral Sex Scene. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Oral Sex Because It’s a 10 minute exercise: Your Fired And Wrong! Leaving out the job all together will get you fired.
A 19-year-old girl asked this question so my tone and choice to dialog was based on how I felt best communicated to her. This applies to all ages.
First, the blow job has to be done and apart of your sex life. If you don’t make it one your not a good girlfriend. Yes I am serious. Sex don’t turn down unless applicable circumstance. Blow job you can only turn down if you make the act make its way into the calendar a decent amount.
Yep. It only counts if the show has a curtain call. I know. Get over it.
The Quick Bitch Version. OK Here is goes. Just do it and stop complaining about it because as women we are screwed and can’t get away without doing this, unless we want our man to go find someone else who will. I know I sound harsh but along with our period, unfortunately this is a task that we as women need to do. Here’s why: First of all, I like a lot that you said you will only perform oral sex on a man who you love and that is caring and nurturing when it comes to your feelings. Oral sex, in any form is very intimate. Now, back to the job.
They do call giving a man oral sex a blow “job” for a reason. I know why you don’t like it but the act actually isn’t as dirty as you think. I know sometimes guys make nasty stupid comments when they reference receiving oral sex, but in all actuality the act is pretty personal. Think about it, he is trusting you to have full access to the body part that is the most sensitive on his body. That is pretty intimate if you ask me. Continuing on, I also think your right that guys should explain to women why they want oral sex instead of just begging. This is why guys are obsessed with it:
First: It feels good to them. Really good. Too good. Like I said before, their most sensitive part of their body is being stimulated. Besides the amazing feeling, the guy gets a bonus: you are the one doing it. You’re the girl he thinks is hot, the girl he likes, the girl he wants to be with, or the girl he loves and you are the one who is making him feel this way. I don’t know about you but I think that’s pretty powerful. OK, I know you think the task is annoying and I am not going to say it isn’t. You do it for the reason you said; if you love him. Here are a few tips to help the annoyances:
It takes forever! – Ask him what he wants while you’re doing it. Your not psychic,and he shouldn’t expect you to be. If you get tired or lock-jaw take a break and use your hand.I feel weird or uncomfortable! – Don’t. Remember? He is on cloud nine. He doesn’t care what face your making, and if he wants you to look at him just do it. If you can’t get turned on or performing the act repulses you, stimulate yourself (a little) alone before you start to help you get into it. It helps.
Why does he want me to take the grand finale?(swallow)- Have you ever wanted to sneeze really, really bad and you get that feeling where your just about to sneeze and it doesn’t happen? Well magnify that times ten, and include blood pumping towards your mans most sensitive organ, and think about it. Of course, finishing still feels good no matter where the evidence lands but is the difference between having roman noodles for dinner or your favorite type of pasta.
If the evidence has a taste that is really, really bad; or you just can’t deal with it, get your man to drink pineapple juice. If really helps to keep “things” fresh and not taste so bad. While you’re at it drink some pineapple juice yourself, it also benefits the smell and freshness of women down there.
Like I said, it is a job for a reason but one we have to perform and understand if we love the guy we are with. It should be something that is a part of your sex life with your partner period. It shouldn’t be given on birthdays or rewarded because the reason you do it is because you love the person. You asked some really good questions and made some really good points. I hope I helped.
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