Food & Drink Magazine

I Am Back & Was Featured a Few Times!

By Sophies Foodie

Hey sweeties,

I am back! Yay! I know that it has been more than a month of me going everywhere but being here.

I am back & was featured a few times!

Now, I am back into full swing!

Since I was away from my blog I discovered that I was featured 4 times on Instructables!

That made me very happy! It was these 4 yummy recipes! Just click onto the pictures to go directly to the pages themselves!


I am back & was featured a few times!

I am back & was featured a few times!

I am back & was featured a few times!

And finally:

I am back & was featured a few times!

My famous Jerusalem Artichokes Latkes were featured on an American website, to celebrate Hanukkah, on December 22nd 2016!!!


Just click onto the photo to go the article!


I am back & was featured a few times!

So, you might be wondering, what I have done the last month & a half? I have baked a lot recently. I baked many breads that I invented myself & others that I made from other people. I also bought 2 cookery books where I am making dishes out off. Reviews are coming later!

These are 2 of my invented breads: The 1st: Vegan Hazelnut Bread! Soon on the blog + video!

I am back & was featured a few times!
I am back & was featured a few times!

And I also invented & made this lovely bread:

2nd: Vegan Spelt Bread topped with spelt flakes! (Soon on the blog!)

I am back & was featured a few times!


So, this was a quick update & see you all later on the blog for more creative recipes from ME to you all! I also have to say that my E-book: Healthy Vegan Christmas has been downloaded more than +500 times & that everyone loves the unique lay-out & recipes too! So thank you all a whole lot of making me so happy! So, if you like to stay updated & receive my new latest posts through cool email newsletters, Subscribe now by email. It is free! Join 1,850 email subscribers! Get my free E-Book: Healthy Vegan Christmas too!

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I am back & was featured a few times!
I am back & was featured a few times!

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