Lifestyle Magazine

Human Rights Campaign: Marriage Equality

By Mamakbest @mamakbest


You may have noticed social media is a buzz right now with pictures, tweets and posts showing support for Marriage Equality.  The thing about equality is simple, everyone deserves it!  Right now, it is the marriage debate but not long ago, it was where Black people could sit on a bus, attend school or drink from a water fountain or if women deserved the right to vote, just to list a few of the past social injustices. Don’t separate yourself from this movement because you do not believe you are have a role in this fight!  It isn’t a gay rights issue, it is a human rights issue.

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Equality should never be dispensed based on race, sex, creed or sexual orientation. Differences should never affect “level” of equality. There are no levels to equality… you are either equal or you are not.  And everyone deserves equality.  No one should get to decide basic human rights for another group of people.

The Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments TODAY on Prop. 8 and tomorrow on DOMA. As many Americans as possible need to show their support for equality. Sign HRC’s Majority Opinion petition and help make these discriminatory laws history.

The Human Rights Campaign has up to the minute coverage on the happenings in DC. Stay connected through their tumblr, facebook or twitter page.

Show your support for human rights!


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