Biology Magazine

Human Evolution Weekly Update #7

Posted on the 02 June 2017 by Reprieve @EvoAnth

Another week, another bunch of cool discoveries about our ancestors. Here are the highlights. Remmeber, you can get these live by following me on twitter or facebook.

What makes humans unique? Only 28 changes separate the muscles of chimps and humans in the head, neck and limbs. Only 20 of these are major

- Adam Benton (@EvoAnth) May 22, 2017

The DNA did also suggest a younger age. Radiocarbon dating simply confirmed it

- Adam Benton (@EvoAnth) May 24, 2017

No word yet on whether these ancient ramblers stuck to the country code

- Adam Benton (@EvoAnth) May 25, 2017

This is the best Au. afarensis spine found. It has more thoracic vertebrae, like us & unlike apes. It keeps the body stable when walking

- Adam Benton (@EvoAnth) May 31, 2017

Location of beads and other decorations on upper palaeolithic burials, hinting at clothes and jewelry styles. Bottom right had major bling.

- Adam Benton (@EvoAnth) June 1, 2017

World-renowned paleoanthropologist Richard Leakey commissions new museum in Kenyan desert & it looks sweet

- Adam Benton (@EvoAnth) June 2, 2017

I wrote about how the new dates for Homo naledi might help our understanding of human evolution. The Christian Times has a counterpoint.

- Adam Benton (@EvoAnth) June 2, 2017

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