Entertainment Magazine

Huge Scandal Spoiler Alerts! Do Not Read If You Haven't Watched!

Posted on the 20 November 2015 by Kristy47 @watchingwaytoomuch


THE ANSWER TO THURSDAY'S TRIVIA QUESTION:  Ray Donovan's daughter.  Bridget played by Kerris Dorsey starred as Brad Pitt's daughter in the movie Moneyball FIRST FIVES: Mike O'Dea, Jo Engel, Bobby Aguilera, Monica Caraffa & Mark Campinelli HONORABLE MENTION:Brett Blattman 

Wednesdays Broadcast Top 5
Empire-FOX 4.4/11.1
Modern Family-ABC 2.8/8.3
Goldbergs-ABC 2.2/7.0
Survivor-CBS 2.0/8.8
The Middle-ABC 2.0/7.8
Wednesday's Cable Top 5
American Horror Story-FX 1.4/2.6
Alaskan Bush People-Discovery 1.0/3.6 (more total viewers than American Horror Story)
Big Bang Theory-TBS .9/2.2
American Dad-Adult Swim .9/1.7
South Park-Comedy Central .8/1.2

Wednesday's Twitter Top 5 Primetime Ratings 

Empire-FOX 347,000 Tweets
American Horror Story-FX 115,000 Tweets
Are You the One-MTV 48,000 Tweets
Arrow-CW 32,000 Tweets
Survivor-CBS 16,000 Tweets

Late Night Ratings for the Week of 11/9/15-11/13/15

Fallon .9/3.2
Colbert .5/2.4
Kimmel .5/2.3
Seth Meyers .4/1.4
James Corden .3/1.1
Trevor Noah .3/.7
Carson Daly .2/.8
Conan .2/.6

Early Morning Ratings for the Week of 11/9/15-11/13/15
Today Show 1.5/1.7
GMA 1.4/1.6

CBS This Morning .8/1.0 THE SHOWS 
When I saw the "Adult Content Warning" at the start of the Scandal Winter Finale, I totally thought there'd be some crazy sex scene between either Fitz and Liv or David Rosen and Ellen's wife. Then I thought it could be some crazy Huck B613 violence stuff. I never in a million years thought that warning would be for Olivia Pope ending an unwanted pregnancy. Gotta be honest, Olivia doesn't seem like the type of woman who ACCIDENTALLY gets pregnant, does she? This is a woman who sleeps around and gets things DONE. T09his is a super smart, super organized woman who can apparently get a Christmas tree delivered and decorated, and accept delivery on a new couch all in 40 minutes. Olivia Pope doesn't accidentally get pregnant but…okay, I'll go with it. Olivia couldn't take being the President's girlfriend, talking about snicker doodles and being trapped in The White House. So after missing the big state dinner and getting an abortion, she and Fitz had a massive blowout and broke up. Their fight was brutal, I don't know how they can come back from a lot of what was said, but if anyone can figure THAT out, it's Shonda Rhimes. Mellie was kicking ass on the Senate floor filibustering a bill that screws over women and Planned Parenthood. She rocked the filibuster but needed some help to pull it off. Before Olivia hit the doctors office and Pottery Barn, she sent in Susan Ross and met Mellie in the ladies room for a pep talk. Busy day, no? David Rosen bought a bracelet for Ellen's wife, a sort of thank you for the hot sex holiday gift. She didn't want it though. I wouldn't have either, it was hideous. Betting he didn't save the receipt, and rather than going bake to Zales to return it, David just gave the bracelet to Susan. Of COURSE Ellen's wife saw it 10 seconds after he gave it to her!  I thought Russell was dead. He is now thanks to Jake. Huck f'ed with Rowan for a while and when that got boring they both went home. Charlie came back to drink vodka from the bottle with Quinn and decorate for the holidays. 
Scandal Winter Finale Winners: Mellie Grant, Susan Ross, 2 of the Grant children who were let out for the holidays and Jake who will benefit big time from Liv's big break-up
Scandal Winter Finale Losers: Fitz, Olivia, Rowan and David Rosen
Lip Sync Battle
They must have taped the holiday episode of Lip Synch Battle last Summer or something because Chrissy Teigen was still super thin with no real baby bump to speak of. The cast of the new Seth Rogen film, "The Night Before" brought their "A" games to the battle. Nobody's better than Joseph Gordon Levitt though. He is the Lip Sync Battle master. He performed Usher's "Yeah" and Janet Jackson's "Rhythm Nation" which was INSANE. His opponent, Anthony Mackie performed Katy Perry's "I Kissed A Girl" and "2 Legit 2 Quit." Seth Rogan aka Seth-on-the-Shelf was on hand for funny commentary and for Run DMC's "Christmas in Hollis."  Surprise...the RUN DMC guys showed up to help out. "Rhythm Nation" was the must see clip though. JGL was just amazing. Check it out:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPWs1QkK9k8

-If you're a Comcast subscriber and you're a sports fan, you may be freaking our right now without the YES Network. Comcast and YES haven't been able to reach a deal on fees, no s Brooklyn Nets games for now. Of course there's no Yankees either but since it's not baseball season, it's not THAT bad, really. Hopefully this all gets resolved before Opening Day.

-I knew The Player was living on borrowed time. Now it's official, the shows been cancelled. I really wish they would have asked my opinion about this one.  I hope that Milo Ventamiglia's laughing his butt off right now. The Player was a rip-off of his show Chosen on Crackle. Chosen is awesome. I highly recommend it. The Player was doomed the second I saw it. Hoping NBC sends Phillip Winchester over to The Blindspot so that Michael and Damien can kick ass together again.
-Supposedly every American Idol judge ever will show up at some point during Idol's final season this year. I'd like to see Simon, Randy & Paula together again. I haven't watched Idol in years, but if those 3 show up, I'll prob tune in to see Simon make fun of Paula and Randy over use the term "dawg." Ahhh the good old days. 

James Cordon, Bryan Cranston and Reggie formed their own Man Band last night. Too funny!  No idea Walter White could sing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YneqwttY5LY Friday's Trivia Question: Last Ray Donovan question of the week… what is Bunchy's real name? 

WWTM-Kristy Like me on Facebook at Watching Way Too Much
Follow me on Twitter at watchingwaytoomuch@tvnme
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