In her book, " The Soul of Money" ", Lynne Twist talks about how most people wake up. Their first thoughts are often about being tired, feeling uncomfortable, or anticipating a rough day ahead.
Sound familiar? If so, it must be pretty hard to get going in the morning and embrace your day.
You can choose to begin your days rushed and worried and dragging your feet every step of the way or you can use these free and easy strategies that will help you feel good and increase the possibility of making your day a good one.Sleep Well
Feeling rested and alert will contribute to a clear mind and body ready to embrace the day.
Create a Daily Positivity Practice
Start your day with grounding and uplifting practices like reading something inspiring, prayer, meditation, or anything that will start your day on a positive note.
Set a Clear and Positive Intention for Your Day
Setting intentions allows us to consciously choose how we want to create our days. Without them we can drift into limiting thought processes and procrastination. Take charge of your day by being the one to guide it.
Be Clear about Your Priorities
If you don't have one already, start a list of the projects you are working on and the priorities involved. Start by focusing on what will be most effective in moving you toward your goals.
Step Into Your Success Persona
We all have different aspects of our personalities that can help us in different situations. Bring forward the one that is confident and successful to help you through the day. Even if you are just "acting as if" you can trick your mind into believing it's true and operating from that perspective.
Take Time on Your Appearance
While how you look is not an indicator of who you are, taking a little extra time on how you present yourself can be a confidence booster. Do it for yourself, not for the people around you.
Sit, Stand, and Walk Tall
Studies of Neuro-Linguistic Programing show that when you change your physiology, you can actually change your mood. Using good posture has the surprising ability to help you feel more confident and effective in whatever you do.
You get to choose how your days begin and evolve. And, that choice can make a big difference in how you feel and how successful you are.
If you would like the support of a Professional Coach in shifting the direction of your days or business, I would love to talk to you. You can contact me here. Or, email simplesmartbusiness@gmail.comby