Family Magazine

How to Set up a Great Blog About a Subject You’re Passionate About

By Lamamma @LAmamma1


When there is a particular subject that you feel highly passionate about — to the extent that you want to base a large part of your life around that topic, or even turn it into your full-time job altogether, there are few better ways of exploring those avenues than by setting up a blog.

Blogging about a subject that you feel particularly passionate about is a great way of figuring out the nuances of the topic, identifying and exploring the different ways in which that subject may apply to other people, and figuring out how to turn the subject in question into a viable business.

In other words, starting up a blog about the subject that you feel passionately about is not only a great way to provide value to any potential readers, but also to refine your own handling of the subject.

So, if there’s some topic that you’ve been dying to focus more on in your life, here are tips for setting up a great blog about a subject that you feel passionately about

Find the right professional web host

First things first, if you want to run a blog that anyone actually wants to read — never mind a blog that actually has the potential to generate revenue one day — you’re going to want to ensure that your website is hosted by a professional platform which offers a good, high-speed service.

If all goes according to plan, it’s entirely possible that you’ll find a host you’re so happy with, you’ll stick with them for years to come, as the popularity of your blog grows dramatically. Just look at this WHSR review on inmotion host, for just such as example.

A poor web host often means a poor and unreliable technical experience for all involved. This is demotivating to you, the blogger, and will also chase your readers away in a flash.

Get a clear sense of the message you want to convey

You might well have the broad topic that you want to cover clearly defined your mind, and you may be an expert on that topic. But the best and most successful blogs typically have an even more refined and drilled-down approach than that.

Get a clear sense of the message you want to convey with your blog. Is it about the specific health benefits of a practice like yoga, primarily? Or is it something like the finer points of maintaining vintage motorcycles?

Sign up to blogs you admire to use as examples

The famous author Stephen King advised would-be writers, in his autobiographical advice book “On Writing”, that it’s impossible to be a good writer unless you read and write a lot.

The same general idea can be applied to blogs, where the principle is that you won’t be able to be a good blogger unless you read plenty of blogs yourself.
So, bookmark a few blogs that you look up to and admire (or set Google Alerts), particularly on related topics, and keep up to date with them. This will help to inform your sense of professional taste and craft.

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