Lifestyle Magazine

How To Plan A Christmas Wedding…With A Vintage Twist

By Claire

Christ­mas is just around the cor­ner and I’m sure you’re just as excited as I am and hope­fully not too stressed with last minute present shop­ping (take a look at my gift guide if you need any help)!

Despite some of the more stress­ful aspects of the period, Christ­mas is sup­posed to be a time of joy — just like a wed­ding! As such, there are a lot of mar­riages at this time of year and for good rea­son too: a Christmas-themed wed­ding com­bines all the joy of the fes­tive period with all the joy of the hap­pi­est day of your life.

It’s fair to say that unless you’re extremely organ­ised and have a crack team of plan­ners it’s prob­a­bly too late to have a Christ­mas wed­ding this year, but if you’re in the midst of plan­ning your wed­ding and feel­ing par­tic­u­larly fes­tive, there’s noth­ing to stop you get­ting into the swing of things and plan­ning for next year (or even the year after!).

For this post, I’ve put together a few fes­tive wed­ding ideas — with a vin­tage wed­ding twist, of course!

Pick­ing A Date

Before I get into the specifics of dec­o­ra­tions and which vin­tage wed­ding acces­sories to wear, it’s prob­a­bly best to talk about which date you should book. It makes sense that you’ll want to book a Christ­mas wed­ding for the 24th or 25th but unfor­tu­nately, the chances of get­ting either of these dates are extremely slim unless you book well in advance; not only are they very pop­u­lar dates, but a lot of venues hold reli­gious ceremonies.

I’d rec­om­mend not pin­ning your hopes too much on get­ting a date around Christ­mas and maybe set­tling instead just for a Decem­ber date. The dates around New Year are always very popular!

Christmas wedding accessories Queens and Bowl UK

Choos­ing sil­ver and white as your wed­ding theme makes ele­gance and vin­tage styling as nat­ural as can be!

The Wed­ding Theme

Obvi­ously you have one theme for your big day sorted already — Christ­mas! But it’s not enough to just stick a Christ­mas tree in the cor­ner of your venue and be done with it; you’ll need to pick cer­tain colours for the event, as well as some­thing to make the event stand out from the Christ­mas wed­ding crowd.

Red and green are the colours most com­monly asso­ci­ated with Christ­mas, but they don’t exactly lend them­selves well to a wed­ding (although they could work as your brides­maids out­fits!). I’d per­son­ally rec­om­mend going for sil­ver and white, which gives off that ‘win­ter won­der­land’ vibe while still resem­bling a tra­di­tional wedding.

In terms of adding your own twist, you can’t go far wrong than adding a bit of vin­tage  to your big day! Play some clas­sic Christ­mas tunes as your guests arrive and set a vin­tage Christ­mas dress code. I’m not say­ing you should get every­one to break out their best (or should that be worst?) Christ­mas jumper, but encour­age them to wear a sharp 20s style suit or evoke a bit of flap­per fash­ion in their outfit.

One of the best things about a Christ­mas themed wed­ding is that your invi­ta­tions are more or less decided for you — Christ­mas card-style invi­ta­tions! You can choose any design you like, but I per­son­ally feel vintage-style illus­tra­tions look classy and get the Christ­mas mes­sage across nicely!

The wed­ding dress

The most impor­tant part of any wed­ding, choos­ing a Christ­mas themed bridal ensem­ble can seem dif­fi­cult. After all, who wants to walk down the aisle in a tinsel-lined dress?!

But you don’t need to be quite as obvi­ous as that; think ‘win­ter’ rather than ‘Christ­mas’ and you’ll find it much eas­ier to put together a classy out­fit. Stick to sil­ver and white as your color scheme and opt for crys­tal vin­tage wed­ding jew­ellery for that ‘win­ter princess’ look! It’s impor­tant not to overdo the crys­tals, how­ever, so mix it up with a few pearls. So if you have a crys­tal neck­lace, opt for pearl wed­ding ear­rings!

You might also want to con­sider buy­ing a vin­tage wed­ding shrug too — not only are they effort­lessly styl­ish, but they’re also per­fect for keep­ing you nice and cosy on a chilly Decem­ber day.

Most impor­tantly of all, remem­ber to make your wed­ding fun! Christ­mas is a time of joy and hap­pi­ness and you need to reflect this on your big day. Make sure every­one is smil­ing and hav­ing a good time, and you’re bound to as well!

Kate x

How To Plan A Christmas Wedding…With A Vintage Twist

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