Business Magazine

How To Perform Carpet Patching?

Posted on the 03 April 2017 by Amelia White
How To Perform Carpet Patching?
Patching is one of the most common types of repairs done for salvaging torn or snagged carpets. Patches are used in small to mid-sized portions on wall-to-wall carpets mostly. In this blog, we are going to discuss this repairing method and its requirements briefly:

Matching remnant

The foremost necessity is a patch for securing the damaged part. The best case scenario is to have a patch from the same roll of the carpet which is already installed in your room. Colour, pattern, and feel of the carpet are just a few reasons why you should cut out the patch from the same material.

What if you don't have an extra matching remnant?

Still, there is no reason to panic. For instance, is there a matching closet carpet where you can cut from? Many people have closets or pantries that have the same type of carpets. It is common to take from an unobtrusive area like the back corner and use it in the area that needs to be repaired.

What if the patch requirement is huge and the entire carpet needs to be removed?

In such cases, it is preferable to remove the pad and add a metal transition strip in the doorway, with application of paint on the sub-flooring. Depending upon the kind of sub-flooring, the painting can look nice when completed.

Start with the essentials

In ideal situations, a new patch for your carpet comes from the spare scraps left over from the original during the installations. Always save these scraps for future patching. You never know when a carpet accident can occur. If somehow, you don't have any leftovers, carpet patching can also be done from taking a piece from the radiator or under a furniture that is never moved. If your carpet is relatively of a common style, you can get the same type or a relevant one from any good local home improvement store. When you buy a small part of your matching carpet, make sure you buy the slimmer version of the carpet.

Steps for patching

Remove the damaged carpet first. Start by using a straight edge and a row finder. An ice pick can be used instead.
Use a slotted blade knife and cut through the carpet. Make sure you do not go too deep. The deeper you go, the worse the carpet patch will look. This type of cutting is a bit difficult for non-professionals. The best is to get the help of a carpet repairer.
Cut a seam tape to the size of the carpet patch and apply a generous amount of glue to the seam and slowly place the patch on the affected area.
Patching of carpet requires professional aid because they are the best in selecting which part to be taken from the existing carpet.

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