In the following 6 step am going to reveal exactly how you can make money fast when you either can't or don't want to invest in an online business. It is highly recommended you read this article all through before you begin any of this step, you want to know what you are doing before you start doing, it really simple.
Step 1: Sign Up At Fiverr.comFiverr is an online freelance website dedicated to people like you, people who are looking to make money online, have some skills but don't want a job where they have to wake up a crazy hour in the morning and go to an office. A lot of people make a full-time income with Fiverr and they don't have to obey the annoying of giving a regular job and going to that job on a regular basis.Read: Making Money with Articles: How Much Can I Make?The great thing about Fiverr is that you pick how much you work and what times, and then you pick what you do as well. Open up another tab on your computer or your phone and sign up for an account at Additionally, make sure to download the Fiverr app because it helps your business stay more mobile.Step 2: Decide What You Do Best This is always a tricky step for a lot of people because you have to be completely honest with yourself. Face the fact that you are not good at everything but it makes sense that you can only sell a certain type of services specifically those things that you are Good at doing.Take out a sheet of paper or open up a Notepad on your electronic devices and write out 10 Things you think you are good at doing, make sure these things are marketable and serviceable. For example, you maybe good at Basketball but this gig is not something you can do on Fiverr, instead let say you are good in Social Media, Writing A Short Article and Posting Facebook Comments.Write those three things down on your sheet of paper along with 7 other possibilities.Step 3: Create A Fiverr GigOnce you have your list of ten serviceable skills, narrow this list down to the few you think are the best. Search on Fiverr for gigs that are similar to the gigs you are planning to create, for example, if you decided that you are best at Social Media, search on Fiverr for "social media" and look at the gig other people are selling. Model your gig after the most successful gigs and slight your price with the same service.You want to beat down the competition and become an established seller, but you wanna keep your prices very initial low until you gain some attraction.Step 4: Get Your Gigs Some Good ReviewsIn other to actually sell your gig, you need some initial good reviews, think about it, if you are a buyer looking to purchase a service you want your seller to have a great review on Fiverr because you don't want to waste your money. As a Fiverr buyer if you see someone with 3 star reviews you much more likely to purchase their gigs vs someone who has no reviews.You should find a few friend willing to buy your gig and promise to provide a big discount, this will help your gig become what I like to call establish. Establish gigs are those that are popular and have good reviews, they sell a lot and they sell on their own.Step 5: Promote Your GigAfter getting a few initial positives reviews, you want to promote your gigs in every way you can in other to walk your way out to becoming established. There are three way you can promote your Fiverr gigs, feel free to use all of them or any number you choose.1. Facebook posts and other social media promotion: Send out a post on facebook describing your gig and telling people to check it out, this will help you continue initial sales.2. Make a youtube video about the problem you are Solving and offer your Gig as a solution: For example, if you make a video about how people are struggling to manage their Instagram account and then offer your Instagram management gig as the solution can find you the real customer3. Promote your gigs on Fiverr: this one does take some money to accomplish but remembers you don't have to do it to be successful on Fiverr. The website allows you to pay a price to promote specific gigs and this way everyone will see your services and if it has a catching title and a good description of the service, you would probably get more sales.Step 6: Make The MoneyThis as to be the most enjoyable step, slowing raise prices once you are more establish because people would pay a premium for recognition and a good history of successful Orders.Hopefully you learn something new from this and be sure to subscribe via email because more incredible content is on the way....