XAMPP is an open source cross platform web server solution that is designed to run on your PC/MAC and comes complete with Apache HTTP Server, MySQL database and the ability to handle scripts written in PHP and Pearl. It is also compatible with Linux. This software is useful when designing dynamic webpages using languages like PHP.
XAMPP's name is an acronym for:
- X as in cross-platform
- Apache HTTP Server
- MySql
- Pearl
XAMPP was originally designed for use as a development tool, to allow web designers and programmers to test their work on their own computers without accessing the internet. With this in mind many of the important security features are disabled, however XAMPP can be used as a web server by using the special tool provided to password protect the most important parts of the package.
To install the package Go to the DOWNLOAD SITE select which operating system you are using and download the package to your computer, then all you need to do is follow the installation instructions, it's not necessary to edit any configuration files. If you decide that XAMPP isn't needed any more all you have to do is use the uninstall feature.
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