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How To Improve Your Next Email Marketing Campaign

Posted on the 28 April 2015 by Marketingtango @marketingtango
  • April 28, 2015
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How To Improve Your Next Email Marketing Campaign

Don’t dismiss email from your integrated marketing repertoire, just because your own inbox may be filled with spam. Email is still as relevant and effective as ever, but only for marketers who understand email best practices and start with clear goals in mind.

Before we get into the How of best practices, let’s first consider the Why: what are your primary goals for integrating email into your marketing? Writing for the Woodford Times, Tammy Finch points out three goals that every email marketer should remember.

Three Primary Email Marketing Goals

  1. Build Sales — Job One for almost any email marketing campaign should be to generate clicks that become leads or sales. Watch your analytics to spot potential new opportunities to increase the effectiveness of your e-newsletter.
  2. Build Credibility — Even if it doesn’t lead to a purchase right away, everything about your newsletter should build your reputation as an expert and leader in your field.
  3. Build Subscribers — It’s not easy to build your own list of interested customers with valid email addresses. So use your list wisely. Don’t bore or annoy your readers to the point that they click “unsubscribe.”

Now that we’ve covered the reasons for emailing, here are four Do’s and one big Don’t to help you improve your next campaign, as distilled from Business 2 Community.

Five Email Best Practices

  1. Be Relevant — You don’t like getting emails that are of no interest to you. So remember what matters to your customers and eliminate everything else!
  2. Be Personal — There’s cheesy personal (“Hello [FIRST NAME]…”) and then there’s relevant personal (“We noticed you checked out our page and just wanted to see if you had any questions…). Try to be personal while remaining relevant.
  3. Be Helpful — Remember, it’s not so much about you, as it is about what you know and how your knowledge and expertise can help your prospects. Customers don’t really care that much about what your company does. What they care about is what you can do to help solve their problems and make their lives easier.
  4. Don’t Intrude — Why send your B2B prospects business emails on a weekend? Use common sense in the timing and frequency of your emails.
  5. Keep Testing — Instead of trying to predict the next big trend, the way to improve your campaign’s effectiveness is to track and make adjustments as you go.

For more insights into getting the most from your email marketing, check out our previous posts, “Top 20 Tips for Effective Direct Mail” and “Four Ways to Modernize Your Email Marketing”

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