Hair & Beauty Magazine

How to Improve Your Beauty Sleep

By Arzoo Sharma @prettynhealthy

How to Improve Your Beauty Sleep
Hey Everyone,

Today I would be sharing some basic tips that would help you to improve your beauty sleep. You all know what is beauty sleep, right? Beauty sleep is sleep considered to be sufficient to keep one looking young and beautiful. Your skin and your body goes into repair mode when you sleep so it is essential to have full 8 hours beauty sleep to wake up to a younger, beautiful looking skin. These are some basic tips you can follow before going to bed to enhance your beauty sleep and wake up with a beautiful complexion!

How to Improve Your Beauty Sleep
CTM Routine: Follow a basic CTM routine before going to bed at night. If the whole CTM routine seems a big process, just don’t forget to wash and moisturize your skin before going to bed to wake up to a beautiful, healthier looking skin. You don’t want all day’s dirt and debris to pile up in your pores and give you huge breakouts, do you? I’m sure you wouldn’t even like the idea of getting breakouts because of not washing your face, so it’s wise to always wash your face with a good cleanser and use a moisturizer meant for your skin type before going to bed. If you want better results, you can include a good hydrating serum in your routine and use it before using a moisturizer. Also moisturize your hands and legs, applying lotion before bed helps your skin to really absorb the moisture and let it soak deeply in the pores helping you to wake up to a smoother body.

Silk Pillowcases: This is the tip I really swear by! Silk pillowcases protects skin against wrinkles/ fine lines and keeps it soft and nourished, silk pillowcases won’t cause static in your hair so you’ll wake to soft, silky hair without any frizziness. I swear by how sleeping on satin pillowcase can make a huge difference to your skin. Make sure to change your pillowcases every 2-3 days to prevent your skin from getting breakouts. Also make sure your head is elevated by stacking 2-3 pillows beneath your head for a quality beauty sleep. When your head is elevated, blood circulation to your skin increases giving you naturally flushed and beautiful skin and it also helps skin care products to work better when you sleep with your head elevated.

Essentials Oils: If you have a hard time falling asleep, try spritzing 2-3 drops of some essential oil you like on your pillow or on your wrists. The best essential oil that makes us fall asleep is lavender essential oil. It reduces tension and stress, helps you relax better, I have personally tried it and felt a difference in me sleeping earlier and better! Add a few drops of any essential oil preferably lavender essential oil on your pillowcase or on any cotton wool and place it in under your pillow for getting a peaceful night’s sleep.

Herbal Tea: Have some hot herbal tea before going to bed. Herbal, non caffeinated tea help calm the mind and will help you to get better sleep. You can have any herbal tea you like ranging from chamomile, green tea, ginger tea, etc. All work the same, they help calm the mind and are anti-inflammatory. I generally drink green tea before going to bed. Even a glass of hot milk will help you sleep better.

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Establish a Bedtime Routine: Make a routine for sleeping the same way everyday. This way you’ll get used to the routine and will fall asleep on the same time. You can read some books, listen to soft music, do some meditation, take a relaxing bath and follow the same ritual everyday. This will help you establish a bedtime routine and if you create a bedtime routine in your schedule and stick to it, you’ll notice that you wake up feeling more refreshed.
Make sure to go to bed before 12:00 am as skin care products works better and penetrate deeper before midnight giving you faster results, so make a habit of going to bed before night and wake up early in the morning for a healthy, beautiful skin.

Sleep In a Dark Room: Sleep in complete darkness, body produces a hormone called melatonin only in the absence of light which is known to be anti-aging. Moreover, even the smallest amount of light can disrupt your sleep quality, so make sure to turn off all light emitting devices in your room to make it dark before going to sleep. If it’s not possible to block out every stream of light, then invest in an eye mask to block out all light out of your vision which will help you sleep better. An eye mask with padding around the eyes will help reduce the appearance of puffy eyes and you will wake up looking more refreshed.

Avoid Alcohol and Caffeinated Beverages: Avoid drinking alcohol before going to bed. It might help you fall asleep faster but will make you wake up in the middle of the night disturbing your whole sleep pattern plus the hazardous effects alcohol has on skin can’t be ignored which leads to early wrinkles and sagging skin. Also avoid caffeine intake as caffeine can lead to insomnia and reduce your sleep quality making you stay awake half the night.

Braid Your Hair: Braid your hair before going to sleep, braiding hair help reduce breakage by reducing friction caused at night, reduces damage to a great extent and also maintains a good health of your hair helping them to grow longer and giving you gorgeous looking waves when you wake up in the morning.

Meditate: Meditate daily for 15-20 minutes before going to bed. Meditation helps you to naturally relax your mind and body which then helps you to fall sleep into a deeper, relaxing sleep. You can even perform slight breathing exercises or yoga to help fall asleep better and more peaceful.

Use a Lip Balm: Swipe on your favorite lip balm to wake up to soft, luscious lips. For more soft lips, exfoliate your lips first with a tooth-brush or a wet washcloth and then use a lip balm, you can even use the good old vaseline for extra hydration. If you suffer from dry, chapped lips, put some mustard oil in your naval before going to bed at night. This is a proven method to give soft lips over time.


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  • Great Uses of Vaseline- Part 2

Moisturize Your Hands and Feet: For soft hands and feet, use a hydrating hand and foot cream or heavy duty cream and then wear cotton gloves and socks to let the moisture sink in deeper which would give soft, smooth hands and feet in the morning.

Invest in a Humidifier: Get a humidifier for your bedroom, a humidifier adds moisture to the air which adds moisture to the skin making skin more soft and youthful. Humidifiers are more important in winters when the air gets colder and drier and skin can’t hold as much moisture as it can in warmer months. Humidifier fills the air with moisture soothing out dry, itchy, dehydrated, cracked skin and you wake up looking fresh and glowy.

Hope you found this post helpful! Do share your thoughts below on how did you liked this post and what other beauty tricks you swear by to improve your beauty sleep.

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