Family Magazine

How to Heal Guilt and Regret

By Lifecoachlindaluke @coachlindaluke

Puppy wearing a not guilty sign.

I haven’t met anyone who doesn’t have some regrets. Many of us spend a lot of time dwelling on them, which is unhealthy and a waste of our present moments.  The past is in the past.  But, if you find yourself getting stuck in those regrets and the guilt that comes with them, there is a way to let them go.

Remember Your Humanity: We are all human.  And, the truth is we do the best we know how or are capable of at the time.  Chances are you didn’t have the resources, strength, or understanding you needed to do things differently way back when.  And, always keep in mind that what you do is not who you are.

Identify Your Judgments: Guilt and regret are founded in the energy of judgment.  How are you judging yourself for what happened in the past?  Write down everything that comes to mind.

Forgive Yourself: One of the cornerstones of spiritual psychology is self-forgiveness.  When you forgive yourself, true healing begins.  Start writing – “I forgive myself for judging myself as….” Keep writing until you empty out and there is nothing left.

Focus on the Truth: After releasing self-judgment there is a more gentle and loving truth that is available to you.  Were you afraid? Did you not understand?  Was there something preventing you from feeling strong enough?  Start writing – “The Truth is…” and see what comes forward now.  Finish off with what you know to be true about who you really are.

Bless Your Experience and Move On: When we focus on guilt or regret we are staying connected to the past and letting it control us. The only place that we can be truly empowered and peaceful is in the present moment.  Bless the issue you felt guilt about and your younger self who experienced it, and then come back home to the present moment where your real life is unfolding.

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