Business Magazine

How to Get Your Mojo Back – 7 Steps for Getting Back Into the Game of Life

By Lindaluke @coachlindaluke

burned out

We all have times when it feels like our mojo has left us stranded.  For me, it was after traveling cross country to be with a family member who had surgery for a brain tumor.  I thought I would be back to work pretty quickly, but that was not the case.   My energy, focus, motivation, and mojo, had all left the building.

I am hoping the steps I took to get back on track will support you, too.

1. Rest – I felt physically and emotionally exhausted and had a cold when I returned home. So, I listened to my body, took naps, read, and let myself recover.
2. Inspiration – I focused my reading on things that inspired and supported me and watched movies that made me laugh and feel light.
3. Vision – By revisiting the vision I had written for my business daily, my mind shifted and began to remember why I loved my work.
4. Intention – I set an intention for what I wanted to create and how I wanted to be  along that journey.
5. Action – I created and acted on baby steps that would lead me toward manifesting my intention and goals.
6. Acknowledgment – I acknowledged myself daily for every positive step or win. This included appreciating my attitude and the way I was showing up in the world.
7. Gratitude – Focusing on gratitude shifted my energy and opened my eyes to the beauty of this world and all the possibilities before me.

If you would like coaching support for recovering your missing mojo, please contact me for a consultation.  I would love to help you get back in the game and make your dreams come true.

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