Hair & Beauty Magazine

How to Get Rid of Pigmentation Around the Mouth Naturally with DIY Home Remedies

By Natasha Bhatt
Hi girls,
Everyone faces skin pigmentation issues sometime or the other. I personally do have the same issue and while I was doing some research on it I thought I should do a post on it to share it with you all. If one particular part of your face gets discolored it would make the skin look bad & uneven and the patches may sometimes be so prominent that it may cause you some embarassment when in public. During winters the pigmentation around the lips is more as we tend to lick the lips and area around the mouth which is the worst thing and is one of the main reason for dark sports around the mouth.While make up can only hide your flaws temporarily it is necessary to do something to avoid pigmentation. Read on to know about the pigmentation issues and some remedies you could try at home.How to get rid of pigmentation around the Mouth naturally with  DIY Home Remedies
Some reasons that could be responsible are as follows:
  • Waxing 
  • Threading
  • Sun rays
  • Licking the lips.
  • Some hormonal issues in the body or allergies
  • Smoking
  • Licking the area around the mouth when it gets dry.
In my case I would say threading has caused darkening around my lips also hormonal imbalance.

How to get rid of pigmentation around the Mouth naturally with  DIY Home Remedies

Here are some home remedies which you can try easily at home which would solve your problem to a great extent:1. Curd + Lemon juice + Honey:Take all three ingredients in the same proportion say one tsp each and apply around your mouth. Leave it until it dries and wash with water.
How to get rid of pigmentation around the Mouth naturally with  DIY Home Remedies

2. Cucumber juice + lemon :Combination of both will work wonders but the lemon could cause irritation so I would suggest adding some honey to it or else it would burn for those with dry and sensitive skin.3. Milk cream + turmeric:Take 2 to 3 tsp of milk cream and a pinch of turmeric. Mix well. Apply around lips. Rest for 10 minutes and rinse with water. Apply thrice a week for better results.

How to get rid of pigmentation around the Mouth naturally with  DIY Home Remedies
4.Olive Oil + lemon juice + honey:2 to 3 tsp Olive Oil, 2 tsp honey and 1/2 tsp lemon juice. Mix all and apply around mouth when dry wash it off and use a face wash to cleanse your face.5. Aloe Vera:Applying Aloe Vera religiously helps reduce pigmentation around the lips. It is cooling and hydrating too and will reduces dryness and fine lines around the lips.

The above DIY's are few I found useful and worth trying there could be many more. Applying sunscreen is a must now a days whether you are indoor or outside.Prevention is better than cure hence in order to keep pigmentation away you can try these home remedies it will surely reduce the problem to a large extent over a period of time if done regularly.

I hope you found this post helpful. If there is any remedy you swear by do mention in the comments below I would love to read them.Until next time.. Cya ☺♥

How to get rid of pigmentation around the Mouth naturally with  DIY Home Remedies

P.S: The images have been googled and I do not claim them to be my own.

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