I know what you’re thinking. Oh, the horror of having your denim ruined! Why on earth are you wearing white as a mother of small children?!
Well, guess what? I used to be one of those people who thought white clothing and motherhood did not mix. That is until I started using OxiClean™ White Revive™ Stain Remover.
You may have read about my love for their Versatile Stain Remover to get crazy stains out of my toddler boys’ clothes, and I am happy to report their OxiClean™ White Revive™ Stain Remover is a miracle worker on whites. Truly. Not only did it get the ketchup out of my white denim, it gets rid of all the cooking and baking stains I collect from being in the kitchen 70% of the day, AND it revives the sad-looking, dingy whites.

1. Mix ½ to 1 scoop of OxiClean™ per gallon of the warmest water recommended by the garment care label.Mix until completely dissolved. Submerge stained or dingy whites in solution.Use ½ scoop for typical stains or 1 scoop for dingy whites and extra tough jobs.
2. Soak for 1-6 hours. More soak time may be required depending on severity of stain or dingy whites. For best results soak for 6 hours.
3. Wash as normal with detergent and OxiClean™.

I honestly recommend this product. I’ve been using OxiClean™ products for years, and love each new item I test. Keeps clothes fresh and new-looking. Happy laundering!