How to Choose a Solitaire Engagement Ring
Solitaire engagement rings have been the prime choice for engagement rings for decades. The name “solitaire” comes from that fact that the ring only has one diamond on the ring. Don’t let that fool you: A solitaire ring is also one of the most elegant kinds of rings you can get. You don’t need more than one stone to have a ring that truly shines.

Solitaire rings are generally sold without the diamond. This is called “setting only.” That means that you buy the setting of the ring itself first, then have the type of diamond you want actually set into the ring. This allows you to separate the purchase of the ring from the purchase of the diamond. This allows you to make sure you pick the perfect setting and the perfect diamond, so you can present your beloved with the perfect ring.
So how do you choose a solitaire engagement ring?
Finding Out What She Likes
The first thing you need to do is figure out what she likes. If you’re trying to make things a surprise, the best way you can figure this out is by talking to her friends and family. Try to get a sense of what she likes by the rest of her jewelry. If possible, try to borrow one of her rings for a day to take it to a jeweler so you can have her rings sized.

Study Up on Your Diamonds
Before you can buy a ring, you need to really know what you’re looking for in diamonds. That means learning your “Four C’s,” spending a lot of time online looking at different diamond types and visiting a few jewelry stores to see what various diamonds look like in person.
The four C’s include:
Carat: The carat of the diamond is a description of the diamond’s weight. It’s not actually a measurement of size, but generally heavier diamonds are larger.
Clarity: The more clear the diamond is, the more it’s valued. A perfect or flawless diamond is much more rare than a slightly flawed diamond. Remember that diamond is made of carbon and is found naturally, which means perfect diamonds are much more difficult to find.
Cut: Do you want a heart shaped diamond? Square cut? Emerald cut? There are a lot of different types you can choose from. Look through all the available options before making your pick.
Color: Did you know that diamonds come in different colors? Generally for an engagement ring you’ll want a white colored diamond, but you could also look at something a little more creative.

Choosing the Solitaire Ring
The actual ring you choose is largely a matter of taste. Primarily you’ll be making your decision based on the band and the prongs.
The band is the ring itself. The width, the color and the material should all be part of your consideration.
The prongs on a solitaire engagement ring is where you have the most creativity and room to maneuver. There are all types of different prong settings you can use.
The four prong approach the most common approach to solitaire rings. The four prongs hold the diamond in place, without drawing too much attention to the prong, allowing you to give the diamond the shine it deserves.
The four prong solitaire ring has several different variations, including the X-prong, the W-prong and the U-prong, all of which have the same basic four prongs but look slightly different. If you like the four prong approach, be sure to take a look at some of the other available options as well.
Another common setting is the six prong ring. This creates a majestic, almost regal kind of look. There are all kinds of variations on the six prong ring as well. The Tiffany six prong setting is infamous for giving the diamond a “suspended in the air” kind of feel.
Apart from these two settings, there are a number of other kinds of settings you can choose from. These include the V-prong, claw-prong and eight-prong rings.
With so many different kinds of settings, bands and diamonds to choose from, the possibilities for a solitaire engagement ring are nearly endless. Learn all your options first for all three parts (band, setting and diamond) before piecing together your perfect ring.
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Author Bio – This article has been written by Tomer David from To choose the best engagement rings and to shine with elegance and simplicity with princess cut engagement rings, visit their online jewelry portal today.
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