Obviously, everyone has heard of SAD - Seasonal Affective Disorder and immediately it is always assumed that it affects people during the winter. They want sunlight, they don't enjoy the cold, wind, rain, snow and the constant need for wrapping up warm, but I have come to discover that I pretty much suffer from the absolute opposite.
A lot of articles about Summer onset SAD talk about how you may need anti-depressants etc if it gets to an extreme level, but it is mainly spotted by simple agitation. The extra hours of sunlight, or extra few hours spent doing something in a day might make you agitated. The expectations that come with summer also lead you up for disappointment - for months, everyone is going on about how amazing summer 2k14 will be, and it gets you a little bit excited, but then on your first big day out... it rains... there we go, disappointment. It also doesn't help that some people don't have to work or do very much in the summer, so they want to spend every waking second doing something, so when you do get a day off to yourself, you feel bad because you're not doing something with someone else because all you truly want to be doing is being curled up on the sofa eating ice cream and watching lame disney movies with your boyfriend. So good one non-busy-people, for ruining my days off... hahaha.And then there are all of those people having great holidays throughout the entire summer, it seems, posting about it on every social media website and it just makes you mad, mainly because you're jealous, and you'll be doing the same thing when you FINALLY go on holiday, but still, it makes you mad. It also doesn't help that all your super slim friends with amazing bodies are posting bikini pics and you're just sat all frumpy like YEAH, CAKE MAKES ME HAPPY TOO... And of course, the entire reason you're so damn depressed is because you have zero mular (pdollar) to spend so you have to waste all of your time working as much as is humanly possible :( wah. As you get older too, the holidays get longer and longer, finishing in may and going back in mid-september is a long time to spend doing nothing but working and moaning about how much you want to be back at university with your friends having the time of your life, even if it is absolutely sloshing it down as you eat your chips and cheese on the walk home from a night out. It's still the best.
I don't know why, but I have a thing about Summer - we don't get on. It might be just because every summer since I was about 16 I have just worked full time, and summer has always been super boring. I think this year I hast helped that I have so much awesome stuff planned at the end of summer that I just can't wait for it to be over!Even before I had to work through summer, when I was 12-15, I used to sit up on my computer until 4am or 5am, and then sleep all day and do it again, and again, and again to avoid doing anything throughout the day during summer - and I think that didn't help the situation because I was just SO bored.... ALL THE TIME. I actually didn't see my friends during the summer months at school, mainly because I hated the world, but also because it was just so hot, and I didn't want to go out in the heat - ever! There is something about winter, maybe its because I associate winter with going back to university (or school), or maybe its because my birthday is in September, and then it's christmas, and then its New year and ALL OF THE GOOD STUFF HAPPENS IN AUTUMN/WINTER.. I don't know, I mean, I moved 500 miles away to the cold coast line of Aberdeen, that's got to say something right?

It gets me to the point that it is currently really windy outside, and I am excited because it means that term time is just around the corner and summer is almost over! I HAVE A HOLIDAY IN LIKE TWO WEEKS AND ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT IS WRAPPING UP IN MY COAT AND SCARF AND HAT AND GLOVES AND LONG SOCKS AND THERMAL LEGGINGS AND HAVING LOTS AND LOTS OF TEA.... I don't know if anyone else feels like this about summer, but I think it goes quite unrecognised, summer is the most depressing time of the year for me - unlike those with Seasonal Affective Disorder, I can't wait for winter to be here, I actually can't. Maybe that's why I love frozen so much.....

muchos love
i'm off to watch frozen for the millionth time,