The business of car hauling is fairly common in Texas nowadays. But there are some professionals in the line who pay less attention to the associated rules, most of them being newbies or amateurs. Sometimes, these hauler trailers make common mistakes which can put them as well as other road users at risk of life-threatening accidents. One such mistake is loading the trailer in the wrong way. The key to safe hauling is correct placement of the load on the trailer and its equalized distribution.
Many accidents involving car trailers are reported every year, and a majority of them occur due to fishtailing or swaying. A hauler usually fishtails or sways when the tongue weight percentage is less than the gross trailer weight. According to the standards, tongue weight has to be around 10 to 15 percent of the trailer weight. If there is a 5th wheel present, it can hike up that requisite to nearly 25 percent. Sway can be eliminated or decreased by ensuring that the load is placed in the anterior part of the trailer, beyond the axle. Besides that, the haulier should secure the loaded cars with straps to prevent them from shifting during the journey.

These are the fundamentals of properly loading a car hauling trailer, which every professional haulier should follow. Observing them would not only ensure safe driving, but also help to steer clear of dangerous situations on the road. Besides that, other people on the road would be able to stay safe as well. In case you are a professional hauler, then make sure you bear the above mentioned tips in mind, even if you have years of experience up your sleeve.