Lifestyle Magazine

How Old Are Your Bridesmaids?

By Claire

Has some­body writ­ten an arti­cle some­where that says “Steer clear of small maids”?!

Jo from Drift­wood and Daisies Flower Com­pany emailed me a lit­tle while ago and men­tioned that only two of her brides had cho­sen small brides­maids and/or flower girls, the oth­ers are all hav­ing three or four adult maids instead.

bridesmaid bouquet ideas photo Jay Armstrong (2)

“It is a real shame if this is hap­pen­ing up and down the coun­try as I do feel the pretty flower girls and maids do add a sense of inno­cence to the day and if cap­tured well pro­vide some fab­u­lous images for the wed­ding album that adult brides­maids could never achieve.”

Jo told me she con­tacted two local busi­ness women, Jay Arm­strong (who attended one of her floristry work­shops) and Cheryl from Eliza Mabel who sup­plies gor­geous dresses for the smaller brides­maid (met at a wed­ding fayre). She asked them if they would be inter­ested in get­ting involved in a photo shoot with lit­tle brides­maids. Hap­pily both Jay and Cheryl jumped at the oppor­tu­nity. Their gor­geous photo shoot took place at Staunton Coun­try Park in Havant, Hamp­shire and it was a com­plete suc­cess. The lit­tle maids, Jay and Cheryl’s daugh­ters, were fan­tas­tic mod­els and the images cap­tured are absolutely beautiful!

bridesmaid bouquet ideas photo Jay Armstrong (3)

bridesmaid bouquet ideas photo Jay Armstrong (4)

Drift­wood and Daisies wed­ding flow­ers

All images are by Jay Arm­strong Pho­tog­ra­phy

Eliza Mabel acces­sories for chil­dren

bridesmaid bouquet ideas photo Jay Armstrong (5)
So how old are your brides­maids? If you’ve cho­sen older maids I’d love to know if it’s because of the influ­ence of wed­ding mag­a­zines and blogs… are we fea­tur­ing too many older brides­maids and no lit­tle ones?!

Or are we a gen­er­a­tion where there aren’t as many lit­tle girls in our close fam­i­lies? Could this trend be because we’re mar­ry­ing in our thir­ties and our younger sis­ters are all grown up?

Tell me about your brides­maids — I’d love to know who’ll be walk­ing up the aisle with you!

Claire x

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