Here's a present that integrated marketers don't have to wait for: the National Retail Federation predicts that Holiday '17 sales will be up 4% from last year. It's time to get ready for the rush. Here are 6 ways to get your signage in tip-top shape, and keep all your new customers coming back for more!
Fill Your Windows with Festivity
Creating eye-catching window displays will help increase foot traffic. Window displays are the ultimate way to convey holiday cheer as well as simply communicate what kind of merchandise your store offers (and your store hours). Even if you can't go all out like these 10 aspirational retailers, window graphics can still do the job.
Help New Customers with Wayfinding Signs
Once you've lured them in with your window signage, help those new customers find what they're looking for (or just find the cash register). Use wayfinding signage to help your customers navigate your store-since this is the time of year that brings everyone out to shop, make sure your signs are friendly to those with aging eyes.
Keep Them Coming Back
Start building a deeper relationship with potential new customers who are in your store for the first time by adding social icons and handles on signage wherever possible. Supplementing your bricks and mortar experience with social and digital channels can help fortify your brand.
Show Off Your Goods
Make it easy for your customers to find hot holiday merchandise or other items of interest. Point-of-purchase displays are a great way to drum up sales by drawing attention to specific goods.
Tug at the Heartstrings
Use images that convey the joy and wonderment of the season. For consumers, emotion is up to three times more powerful than facts as an influencer for purchasing decisions, and positive emotions have a far greater influence on consumer loyalty than trust and other judgments.
Get Creative
On average, the holiday season accounts for 20% of a retailer's overall sales, so many shops go big to make an impression. Make sure you can hold your own! Think about displays that mix analog and digital and " personalized" interactive signage to stand out.
Last modified: December 4, 2017