Family Magazine

How Do I Tell My Mum Im Pregnant

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum
ID 10015906 How Do I Tell My Mum Im Pregnant


“How Do I Tell My Mum Im Pregnant”

A large amount of my readers have found my blog by searching How do I tell my mom Im pregnant?  I have written this guide as a form of help and support for you.

It can be difficult to tell your mom that you are pregnant for so many reasons; perhaps you are young, not in a relationship or are at college. You think your mom is going to disown you, become angry or she is going to be disappointed in you.

Your mom may well be angry and disappointed but you need her support at this very challenging time in your life.

There is never a right time to have a baby but the one thing you do need is support.

If you are frightened of telling your mum,   have you a close friend or family member who can break the news for you, or be with you when you do?

If you are young, have you a teacher or a GP that you trust? They can speak to your parents on your behalf.

A pregnancy is not something you can hide and you will need to think about antenatal care, health professionals need to know about your pregnancy so they can care for you and your baby.

Please do not be afraid, having a baby can be a wonderful experience and I am sure your mom will come around to the idea once she has had time to get used to it. Mothers want the best for their children and she may have had dreams for you, remind her you can still have a career and chase your own dreams, despite becoming a mother yourself.

A Few Easy Ways To Tell Mum;

Leave the pregnancy test out where she can see

Write her a letter

Have a friend or family member come with you when you tell her

Text her if you’re afraid of telling her face to face

There is never a right way to tell your mom you’re pregnant but saying “Mum I’m pregnant” is the first step to facing this problem and gaining the support you need.

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