Lifestyle Magazine

How Are Gold Prices Determined? Raymond Lee Jewelers Web Series

By Raymondleejewelers @raymondleejwlrs

If it seems like gold’s been riding a veritable roller coaster over the past few month’s, it’s because it pretty much has. And rather than a souvenir photo of it caterwauling as the ride takes its first big drop, gold looks like it’s back on a rise.

Between European leaders’ talks, extreme uncertainty in the Middle East, and a continually dismal economy stateside, gold shone once again as the market’s, well, golden commodity (the nickname exists for a reason). But whether you’ve been convinced that gold prices are drawn from a hat each morning or your slightly more knowledgeable about gold fixing, the process can still be confusing. RLJ is here in our weekly web series to demystify exactly what makes gold tick.

How Are Gold Prices Determined? Raymond Lee Jewelers Web Series
How Are Gold Prices Determined? Raymond Lee Jewelers Web Series

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Liz for Raymond Lee Jewelers, South Florida’s most reputable source for buying and selling gold.

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