*I live in an apartment in a converted Big House. Local postmen see my big front door and miniature letterbox, expect me to be up in the rafters and hammer enthusiastically on the door as if I was giving out noise prizes. So the sample pack was thrust at me by a surprised postman instead. But still…
Love vs. Design & Max Wanger are known for their wedding stationery and photography respectively. They’ve teamed up — excitingly! — to storm the world of wedding blogs with these gorgeous Save the Dates.
I love the concept of collaboration, and Floris from Love vs. Design was so lovely sending me the sample that I couldn’t resist sharing with you! Go and have a look at their website — it seems really easy to use and you can upload your own photo to create a really personal design! (Y’know, if you can’t get to Max Wanger in Los Angeles…)
I quote from their press pack: “We work with a team of talented designers, illustrators and photographers from around the world to create modern-vintage stationery.” (I wonder if they need a spare calligrapher for anything?
I will keep the samples here for a week or two so drop me an email or comment here (I’ll reply via email for your address details) if you’d like me to pop one in the post for you! The quality is fab and the reverse of the little postcards are printed with your return address, names and wedding date as well as lines for a delivery address — usual postcard layout, done nicely (I love type — especially clean type. Yum.)
Claire x