Debate Magazine

Hot Chicks Occupy Wall Street

By Erikalust

I recently discovered this debate about the “Hot Chicks of Occupy Wall Street” video by Steven Greenstreet as well as the tumblr blog.

So I wonder… what does it take for a woman to be taken seriously? Such a powerful movement and still the attention is drawn away from their message to their boobs.

I understand the feeling, really, empowered women are hot, but why take away their words, reduce them to “pretty faces” and expose them like cattle? Is that the best way to participate and help them?
Greenstreet defends by saying:
Wow, seeing all those super smart hot chicks at the protest makes me want to be there… Hmmm… Yeah, let’s go with that.

We instantly went to Tumblr and made [Hot Chicks of Occupy Wall Street]. Our original ideas were admittedly sophomoric: Pics of hot chicks being all protesty, videos of hot chicks beating drums in slow-mo, etc. But when we arrived at Zuccotti Park in New York City, it evolved into something more.

Hot chicks Occupy Wall Street
There was a vibrant energy in the air, a warmth of community and family, and the voices we heard were so hopeful and passionate. Pretty faces were making signs, giving speeches, organizing crowds, handing out food, singing, dancing, debating, hugging and marching.

via The Society Pages

This poor taste isn’t good at all for their protest and just removes credibility to their fight, especially since there had already been narrow-minded comments and “anti-sex hysteria” by the media.

Why not focus on their intelligence? their bravoury? their strength?

Here’s the video – what do YOU think?

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