Books Magazine

Horror October 2016: Flash Fiction Battle #HorrorOctober #VoteNow

By Lipsy @lipsyy


I’m so glad Horror October is finally here; I’m mega excited about it this year!

As I mentioned in my welcome post earlier, this year I’m hosting a flash fiction battle which will see four of the best independent horror authors out there battle it out to to be crowned King or Queen of Horror (well, Horror October at least). 

You guys, yes you guys, can vote for the theme and the authors will write their guts out to produce the best horror story in 1000 words or under.

Voting ends in 5 days (Thursday 6th) so no dilly-dallying!

Take Our Poll

I’ll be introducing the writers as their stories come in, but in the mean time you can check them out using the links below:

A. Giacomi

Stevie Kopas

Stephen Kozeniewski

Lily Luchesi

Huge thanks to them and to Cleo @ Cleopatra Loves Books, Drew @ The Tattooed Book Geek and Lynn @ Lynn’s Book Blog who will be helping me to flog this little idea! 

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