Family Magazine

Horoscope Or is It Horror-scope?

By Yourfamilysurvivalcoach @shari_brewer

For the first time in almost forevvvvver, today I checked in on my daily horoscope to see just what the universe was supposed to have in store for me. Years ago, in my younger days, I would often – but not always – pick up the newspaper at work for a squizz, or turn up the radio to hear Keisha’s report (does anyone remember Keisha???) and it was more for a giggle than anything else. This was all taken with a grain of salt, and never with the thought of living my day in accordance with the ‘stars’. That said, I do know people who actually plan decisions such as the conception and births of their children and their choice of partner and/or friends etc with their star sign in mind. Each to their own and good luck to them, I say.

I was born in February (the 11th just so you can add it to your diary with a reminder to send me a card next year ;) ) the sign of Aquarius and that means all sorts of things apparently. Strangely enough, many of the characteristics attributed to those born under the water-bearer’s sign are traits that I and others (so I’m told) do indeed see in myself. I mean I am so very refined and idealistic, romantic and practical, personable and likeable - just ask me! Coincidence or design?? Maybe there *is* something in it, who really knows …

Seriously though, the person who told the papers what to predict for us Aquarians today got it all wrong. Well for me anyhow. And this has made me wonder whether other poor Aquarians out there have had a shit of a day … or have they been lucky like me and escaped what the universe was meant to deliver?

Don’t let your negative feelings harm a good relationship. It’s not a bad idea to take an indirect approach to solve a crisis. Avoid panic if you need to rectify a plan on the spare of the moment. Take a few deep breaths and work through it systematically.

Negative feelings? Damaged relationships? Crisis? Panic? Hardly a nice day!

Oh Lordy, all a bit doom and gloom don’t you think? Luckily it wasn’t until afternoon when I read this, or I may have spent the day in unnecessary worry!

What star sign are you? Do you think you fit the stereotype of your star sign? Do you read the stars and ahhhhhh at the coincidences or do you laugh out loud, thinking it’s all just nonsense? Please, do tell :)

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