Social Media Magazine

Honeywell Release Its First EDA Android Phone

Posted on the 15 August 2012 by Hpmurah2u @hpmurah2u
honeywell smartphone
Honeywell is known to have joined forces to enliven the market with Android phones that operate through the release of Dolphin 7800, which will be the Enterprise Digital Assistant (EDA) first. This rugged phone that is very fast and accurate in its capacity to store data and the navigation area.  This phone seems suitable to assist the delivery of goods and sales made ​​to their daily activities. Surely Dolphin 7800 will be equipped with security features that allow companies to find the device if lost is with Honeywell's Remote MasterMind 3.0 software is also able to track the assets of the company with protection strongly to the device password. Additionally Scanning & Mobility Honeywell is also known to the parties entered into an agreement with Microsoft's patent, which has also Microsoft's patent portfolio is so large to be used on other products made ​​by Honeywell.
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